Community Cafe
When Jane started Community Spirited in 2007 it was always her
intention to bring people together with the aim of stopping loneliness
and isolation. She will be the first to say that on the way this
initial idea got lost when there was a demand for all the services
Community Spirited now deliver. She feels very strongly that she needs
to reach out and in to people who are lost, lonely and vulnerable. We
have a permanent office within the Parkside Pavilion to welcome our
clients. This location enables us to focus in a welcoming environment
where care plans & reviews can take place in a relaxed atmosphere.
vision is to really put the community spirit well and truly back
amongst the island community. We want to reach out as well as in when
it comes to caring for people. Two of Jane's experiences made her
realize that we need to look out for one another. The first was a man
who lived nearby and after many phone calls to different people he got
hold of Jane. This man was scared of dying and no-one knowing if he had
died. All he was asking for was a regular phone call to make sure that
if I didn't hear off him I would know there was a problem. To cut a
long story short - one week I would call him, the next he would call me
- after a while of doing this I didn't hear off him. I called the
hospital and they told me he was there. I had never met this man, so
when I was face to face with him and said "Hi, have a guess who I am"
The smile he gave me when when I told him will stay with me all my
life. I promised I would visit again.....Very sadly he passed away a
day after we met, the nurse took me to one side and told me the sad
news. I was sad but very glad I was able to do this small deed for him.
It was a commitment that others were reluctant to give him....a phone
call was all he wanted. God rest his soul. This man lived on my
small estate and I didn't know him - that is sad but it is a
fact. The second experience was also in the hospital setting.
Whenever I visit our clients who are in hospital I am always saddened
by the people who have no visitors. So many people move away from their
families and have very little contact with other people. I hope
that if you are reading this and what I have written strikes a chord
with you, it is my hope and prayer that you will want to help me to
reach this goal to help me keep this project going and that you will
email, text or write a letter or give me a call to help me to get this
project off the ground. The cafe/hub is for reaching inwards, giving a
place to the people who want to belong to a group who really care. The
outreach team will be making phone calls to anyone who would like this
contact and the visits to hospital and other similar
establishments. Support can be in a number of ways - praying for
us - voicing your support by giving us encouragement - financial
support - volunteering - helping us with admin tasks - supplying us
with activity materials such as paper, pens, games - fundraising - etc.
Times are changing and we really need to be there for each
other. Life could be really good again for some who are feeling very
lost, lonely and vulnerable.......Do you want to be part of this
exciting journey??? Being part of a local business who have charitable
aims and values each and every person they are involved with? We
do hope so x .